Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Nice quotes from "The Five People You Meet in Heaven":

...bahwa tidak ada kejadian yang terjadi secara acak. bahwa kita semua saling berhubungan. bahwa kau tidak bisa memisahkan satu kehidupan dari kehidupan lain, sama seperti kau tidak bisa memisahkan embusan udara dari angin...

...pengorbanan adalah bagian dari kehidupan. harusnya begitu. bukan sesuatu untuk disesali. tapi sesuatu untuk didambakan....

...kadang kalau kau mengorbankan sesuatu yang berharga, kau tidak sungguh-sungguh kehilangan itu. kau hanya meneruskannya pada orang lain...

Another great book from Mitch Albom.


If you had one chance to replay your life, what would you do?

Sometimes we find ourselves wishing to go back to the past, try to fix everything, change something. We wish we could do it right or better this time. But then, if we could really do that, we still woldn’t know where that would lead.

Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we’re so desperate to know what it is and we try so hard to understand. We can never be 100% sure about why, what-if and will this be the best. That’s why maybe we should let if all flow and do the best we can at the moment. And accept that every choice has it’s own consequency.

If there’s a time to do something with our life, it will be NOW. The present is all we have, take every chance, appreciate everything we’ve got, because every second of our life that passed has become a history.

*some thoughts after reading a book of Ken Grimwood, "Replay".